bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
wedding date 3rd october 2020
84 wedding guests
The entire day was just magical start to finish.
Tim + Tam's paths crossed the Killarney rodeo and their love story began from there. Selecting Jimbour House for their wedding venue with its manicured gardens, stunning architectural features and lavishly appointed main residence, Jimbour is without a doubt Queensland’s most memorable wedding venue.

bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer

tim + tam's love story.
How did the two of you meet? My husband Tim is a bull rider, and some of my friends insisted that I go to Killarney rodeo, so with a lot of persuasion I caved. Now Killarney, is the coldest place on the planet in my opinion and the rodeo was in the middle of winter so that’s why I was reluctant to go. The rodeo ended and I wanted to leave ASAP, so I didn’t get frost bite! But again, my friends wouldn’t let that happen and dragged me to the fire pit at the bar. And I’m glad they did because I spotted a very good-looking cowboy, who’s cheeky smile easily caught my attention. A mutual friend introduced us and after about 20 minutes of awkward, shy conversation we left (I was designated sober driver). I was disappointed that he didn’t ask me for my number so my friends and I stalked him on Facebook and sent him a friend request. He sent me a message the next day asking me on a date the following weekend.

bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer

the engagement.
How long were you together before your engagement? We dated for about 7 months before life took us in different directions so unfortunately, we broke up. But we were obviously meant to be because exactly one year later he messaged me and we started talking again and everything just seemed to fall into place. He said he just knew that I was it for him and so did I. We were then together for just under two years before he proposed.

bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer

the proposal.
It was my birthday and Tim had planned a day out for me. We woke up early to hear rain on the roof which wrecked our initial plans for the day. I was really disappointed but Tim being the optimistic person he is said “don’t worry hun, I’ve got a plan.” But wouldn’t tell me what it was. There was a lookout that I had always wanted to go to at the top of Cunningham’s Gap, but we had never had time to pull up. We pulled into the parking at the base of the mountain at about seven in the morning and to our surprise the rain stopped. 

We made a mad dash to the top to see the view before the rain started again. When we got there the view was breath taking! It looked over rolling mountains and bush land and the sky was filled with oranges and pinks. We tried to take a selfie but couldn’t get ourselves and the back drop in the photo so Tim suggested a self-timer photo, so while he was taking FOREVER trying to prop the phone up I started looking out at the view and reading the signs. I heard some footsteps behind me and thought I better hurry up because we won’t have much time. But as I turned around, I saw Tim down on one knee with a diamond ring in his hand as he asked me to be his wife. I ugly cried a lot with happiness and obviously said yes! Tim had videoed the entire thing so now we can look back over it whenever we want. 

bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer

What led you to decide on Jimbour House for your Wedding venue? I was born and raised at Jimbour as my dad manages it and my entire family had been married there, so for me it was a tradition. It was my dream location and was even more special for me because it was a place I called ‘Home’ for so long.

What was the inspiration behind your Wedding theme? I absolutely love western/ Boho fashion and Tim likes country/western as well. So given our country background, our wedding theme was and was always going to be Western/Boho. 

bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer

favourite moment:

TAM: Definitely Tim’s reaction as I walked up the aisle! It tugged every single one of my heart strings and I will never forget it. It will always hold such a special place in my heart!

TIM: As Tam walked up the aisle. I didn’t just break down because of how beautiful she looked, it was also remembering our entire journey together and everything we had been through to finally get to this moment. Best feeling in the world.

TAM: I also loved my dad’s reaction to his ‘first look’ with me. We are close and he’s a typical ‘tough’ farmer so when he teared up as he saw me it gave me goosebumps. And I'll never let him forget it either haha.

My mum and I shared a moment before I went down to the ceremony site which just made the entire thing feel so real! I am the only daughter, so it was just such a sentimental moment knowing that it was a once in a lifetime experience. I felt so grateful to share it with her.

TIM and TAM: During the ceremony, Tim and I just took a moment to look at all the guests! It was such a surreal feeling knowing that all our loved ones were there to celebrate our love.

bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer

favourite detail: All of it! The entire day was just magical start to finish. We did love our wedding favours though because of the meaning behind it. We had Tim Tams for our guests because obviously together Tim and I make Tim Tam.

We put our heart and soul into every detail big and small. So, it was amazing being able to see it all come together. You plan all of these decorations but have no idea if they will all come together until you started setting up. Was a rewarding feeling when it did!

bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer

How was your dress/suit shopping experience overall?

Tam: I went to about a thousand stores and tried on around 30-40 dresses. (I know, its crazy!) But I ended up getting the dress I tried on at the first store Luxe Bridal Lounge in Toowoomba. I found myself comparing every other dress to it, so I think I just knew it was the one. Plus, the owner Kellie was just incredible to work with and made the entire experience easy and light-hearted.

Tim: It was a breeze Tam and I had an idea of we wanted, so pretty much brought the first ones we tried on. Finding shoes that matched the colour of the suspenders were probably the most difficult because Tam wanted them to be very similar. But we kept looking and ended up finding some bargains.

bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer

What does marriage mean to you? He’s stuck with me now… haha, only kidding. This is actually a hard one to answer because its so hard finding the right words to explain a feeling that’s so epic. But I guess to us it means, getting to spend the rest of your life with your best friend, hard work, communication, a bond like no other and someone to walk beside through the ups and downs of life. Plus I have someone to buy me chocolate for the rest of my life...

Any classic stories you want to share from the day? Probably so many but nothing that really springs to mind. I did completely bomb our first dance. We had an entire routine planned and my mind just went blank when I took the dance floor, lucky my husband thought quickly and we made something up and went with it.

bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer

advice: As much as it’s the absolute best day of your life and 99% of the time you can’t stop smiling and laughing, the day can get quite overwhelming and when things you have been planning or envisioning for the last year and half may not quite go to plan, don’t get caught up in those moments and let it kill your vibe. Just take a deep breathe and focus on everything that is going right. 9/10 times no one else notices if something doesn’t go to plan.

And secondly take a moment to just look around and take it all in. People always tell you the day goes fast but you don’t understand just how fast until you are experiencing it for yourself. Take a moment with your bride or groom, listen to the band by yourselves, take in the reception, look at your guests and how happy everyone is to be there, the venue and all of the hard work the vendors, your loved ones and yourselves have put in to making this day happen.

Have a play with different options for the day, think outside of the box and make your day even more unique. For example, we couldn’t pick just 2 people to witness so we ended up doing a witness raffle. It was so much fun and got the crowd involved. You don’t have to do what everyone else is doing or worry about any one else’s opinion because at the end of the day its YOUR wedding.

bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer

Wedding songs: The Bridesmaids walked in to Porch Swing Angel by Muscadine Bloodline, I walked down the aisle to Promise to Love Her by Blane Howard, We had Blessings by Florida Georgia Line and Nobody But You by Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani while we were signing, we walked back down the aisle to Living on Love by Allan Jackson and then for our first dance we had Prayed for You by Matt Stell.

Standout vendors for the day? Absolutely every single vendor was incredible they all went the extra mile for us. But Bird and Boy Photography really stepped up for us. Our original photographer - a good friend of mine, couldn’t get back into QLD from NSW. So, two weeks out from the wedding we were freaking out. I came across Bird and Boy's account, fell in love with them and thought it would be a long shot that they would have our date available as we were so close to the wedding. But it was obviously meant to be because they were free! They were incredible to deal with and the photos really speak for themselves! Couldn’t be happier with them.

Also, Kate our celebrant from Third Wheel Love Co. She spent months and months leading up to and after the wedding offering guidance and support at all hours of the day and night. Such a cruisey, down to earth, fun vibe and an absolute hoot of a person who has since become a lifelong friend. Couldn’t recommend more highly.

bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer
bird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designerbird and boy photography luxe boho real wedding with blush pink tones floral design country venue australian bridal gown designer

Videographers Mitch Birchall Studios @mitchbirchallstudios 
Photographer Bird and Boy photography @birdandboyphotography 
Celebrant Third Wheel Love Co. @Thirdwheelloveco_ 
Wedding dress store Luxe Bridal Lounge @Luxebridallounge 
Venue Jimbour House @jimbourhouse 
Flowers Dalby Florist @dalbyflorist 
Bride hair and makeup and bridal party makeup Chantal Hart MUA @chantalhartmua 
Bridesmaid hair Mane Beauty Bar @Manebeautybar_